Randall Palazzo – The Personal Side

Randall Palazzo is known throughout the greater Portland area as a dynamic businessperson. He has helped transform struggling Portland neighborhoods through his remodeling and rehabilitation efforts, and his ongoing “new vintage style” building projects continue to improve the town that he has always called home. The professional Randall Palazzo can point toward a voluminous body of impressive work, but his personal life is also full of positives. He proudly states that he was fortunate enough to marry his soul mate, and he is the father of two children. Family is very important to Randall Palazzo, and he places a premium on honesty and personal integrity. He tries to pass these qualities along to his loved ones.

When you are a thoughtful person who has enjoyed a particular level of financial success, you may feel the desire to give something back to people who have been less fortunate. Randall Palazzo is one of these philanthropic individuals. When it comes to charitable giving, a wise person will be discerning, because all charities are not created equal. For Randall Palazzo, children’s charities take precedence. He proudly supports the March of Dimes, the Make a Wish Foundation, Feed the Children, and Toys for Tots. Randall Palazzo also donates to a number of different faith-based charities through this place of worship.

When it comes to his “me time,” he enjoys running, hiking, and various types of quizzes and puzzles. As a Portland sports guy, he is a supporter of the Portland Trail Blazers, and he is also a fan of the Seattle Seahawks and the University of Oregon Ducks.

Randall Palazzo – Projects With Purpose

Like everyone else, Randall Palazzo has to make a living, and this fact of life motivates all of us to go to work. Though the hand to mouth need is always going to be a factor, to be happy and fulfilled in the workplace, there has to be some sense of purpose present. There are various different things that can drive you, and your own personal growth and ongoing desire for accomplishment can certainly be part of this equation. If you feel stagnant, and you are not learning anything or breaking any new ground on the job, it will just be a way to keep the wolves from the door. You will never embrace the job as a true vocation that you identify with as a total person.

Plus, there is the matter of purpose with regard to your impact on the other members of your community, and the firmament of the town that you call home. Randall Palazzo has been able to choose a profession that allows him to make a difference in his native Portland, Oregon, and you may find his path to be somewhat instructive.

After spending his youth and his college years in Portland, Randall Palazzo obtained his real estate license in 1988. At that time, there were sections of Portland that were declining, and this was a sad sight for locals. Randall Palazzo decided to take the bull by the horns and make a difference in the community.

He pinpointed certain properties that had a lot of potential in the inner section of Northeast Portland. Using his real estate license, he purchased properties, and he remodeled them so that they were appealing to potential buyers. This upgraded the quality of the neighborhood, so the projects were beneficial on multiple different levels. He was able to build his real estate development and remodeling business, real estate buyers had nice new homes, and this part of the city got a much-needed boost. When you look around and see that you have made this type of difference in your hometown, you feel a sense of accomplishment that transcends mere dollars and cents.

After that initial entrance into the real estate development arena, Randall Palazzo went on to obtain his general contractor’s license. For over 15 years he has been building and remodeling homes in Portland. His focus is on what he likes to call “new vintage style” building. He has over 30 different original, copyrighted home designs that buyers can choose from. Randall Palazzo carefully and thoughtfully crafts his building projects to fit into the older, classic architecture that is present in any given Portland neighborhood. This uncanny ability is something that sets him apart from many conventional builders and developers in the area. Randall Palazzo preserves the historical integrity of the city he has always called home, and that makes for a purposeful life.

Randall Palazzo – The Ideal Confluence

Randall Palazzo is an individual who has been able to hold a solid position within the building and real estate development community in Portland, Oregon since the late 1980s. As a native of the “City of Roses” he has always gained a great deal of satisfaction from his work in his home town.

How has he been able to maintain this degree of longevity when many other people who entered the same industry have fallen by the wayside? There is no one simple answer, because there are many factors at play that are out of the control of any one individual. However, your success within an industry does have a lot to do with the field of endeavor that you decide to devote yourself to in the first place. This is something that Randall Palazzo demonstrates quite well.

Stark realities cannot always be easily defined through the utilization of platitudes. For example, sage advice-givers often use this expression: “You should find something that you love to do, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” This is a very profound expression, and it is true to a certain extent, but the truth is not absolute. For example, you may love to play the guitar, and you may practice a lot. However, at the end of the day, you simply may not have the talent to make a living in this highly competitive field. Yes, you should absolutely do something that you like to do for a living. At the same time, you should be pragmatic and ask yourself if it is likely that you will be able to support yourself and your family if you go down a particular road.

Let’s apply this to the life of Randall Palazzo. He has always been a highly intelligent individual, and it can seem as though this advantage will pave the way for you in and of itself. In reality, many people who are in this position will tell you that there are no guarantees. It can be hard to find a career position that is truly satisfying to your sensibilities, and you may be a perfectionist who finds it hard to fit into a flawed workplace culture. For people in this position, self-employment is ideal, and Randall Palazzo has made his mark as a real estate developer and a general contractor. He can make his own choices every step of the way, and he can also apply his unique intellectual vision when he is creating home design styles.

When you combine your natural abilities with a practical professional path, you are on the road to success after success, and this is the trek that Randall Palazzo has taken throughout his life.

Randall Palazzo – How to Promote Effective Teamwork

Effective teamwork helps to increase productivity, yet sadly not every administrator or entrepreneur deals with his team proficiently. Randall palazzo is an entrepreneur and a developer. He knows that the consequences of poor administration over a team which includes disobedience and lack of cohesion between team members can sabotage a project. In order to ensure cohesion, increase productivity and efficiency in any organization, efforts should be made to promote teamwork.

Here are tips to help promote teamwork and increase productivity in an organization;

Understand your employees
Clashing personalities within a team will lead to inefficiency. It is important to study your employees including their work style, skills, strength, what motivates them to succeed and how they can positively affect the business. Also, arrange regular team building exercises outside of the work place; this will help you to know how your members associate.

Declare your goals
Declaring your goals to your team members will give them a sense of direction and also increase their morale. Make your short term and long term goals known to every team member. Also, hold regular team meetings to assess the progress of the team.

Establish rules
Rules are essential to guide behaviors and conduct. Set rules and standards to guide the team. Make it available for every team member to avoid confusion.

Assign tasks and responsibilities appropriately
In order to establish order within a team, you should appropriately assign tasks and leadership roles to member of the team.

Finally, consolidate team efforts by giving incentives and certificates to committed team members.

Randall Palazzo is a Developer and an Entrepreneur. He was Portland Oregon‘s number one builder for 3 consecutive years from 2008 through 2010. He is a member of Home Builder Association.

Randall Palazzo – 3 Investment Principles You Need To Know

An investor is someone who commits his/her capital into things that can earn income or grow in value. There are many investment vehicles that are lucrative; however, investing conveys an extensive variety of dangers. Randall Palazzo is a real estate investor and he knows that successful investing involves making choices that meet your unique needs today and your financial goals for the future.

Here are 3 investment tips you need to know;

Develop an investment plan

Many investors fail because they fail to plan. A good investment plan can help protect investors from pitfalls that can derail their progress. Your investment plan should include short and long term investment goals designed to endure changing market environments, and should also be flexible enough to adjust for unexpected occurrence along the way. Conduct regular assessment to gauge your progress.

Diversify your investments

The market is unpredictable; this makes the Return on investments (ROI) to fluctuate on the average. All investments are subject to risk; spreading your assets across a wide range of investments is an effective way to reduce risk and increase potential returns over the long term.

Be disciplined

Discipline is one of the major tools for success in investing. Many investors often make poor investment choices due to strong emotions provoked by investing. Discipline and perception are the qualities that can help investors remain committed to their long-term investment plans through periods of market uncertainty. Sticking with a well-designed investment plan is a key to long-term success.

Randall Palazzo – Qualities of Great Leaders

Randall palazzo is a shrewd real estate investor and a general contractor. He is aware of the role of leadership to the success of any organization. He also knows that great leaders irrespective of their gender, race or believes have some qualities in common. Great leaders cause their enthusiasm and passion to electrify their organizations.

Qualities of great leaders include:

They are organized

Great leaders are well organized. They set clear goals and precise strategies to achieve their vision.

They communicate effectively

Great leaders communicate have a skill for conferring the right messages at the ideal time. They convey messages that motivates, inspire, console, and, when needed, direct.

They are sensitive to others needs

Great leaders are sensitive and have a natural feel for the needs of their employees. They have a deep understanding of what motivates their employees and they exhibit an honest sympathy towards their welfare.

They are determined

Great leaders see things through to fulfillment. They pay keen attention to details and pay close attention to those things they believe helps them accomplish their goals. They don’t surrender effortlessly when events don’t go in their direction.

They are supportive

Great leaders’ shows genuine concern for the wellbeing of the individuals they work with.

They are respected

People respect great leaders because of their disciplined lifestyle. They dress appropriately and speak wisely.


Great leaders are confident and always positive. Employees are naturally attracted to them, as they impart an intense sense of self- assurance. Great leaders do not shy away from responsibilities and difficult situations. They are committed to a purpose and they never waver from it. They stay calm even during enduring times.

They are responsible

Great leaders assume liability for their team’s performance. When things are done well, they commend efforts openly and reward team efforts. When issues emerge, they find means to settle things rapidly and get things back on track. They take absolute responsibilities and they do not make excuses or blame to others.

They are trustworthy

They believe in treating others exactly how they would like to be treated. They win the respect of their team members through their honest conducts.

They are optimistic

Great leaders lighten up the workplace with their enthusiasm. They avoid thoughtless and reckless actions, but they look for ways to excite and energize their employees and make work enjoyable for them and their team.

Randall Palazzo is an enthusiastic philanthropist and real estate investor. He was born and raised in Portland, Oregon, and he attended Lakewood Grade School in Lake Oswego. He graduated from West Linn high School and Portland State University.

Randall Palazzo – How to Become an Effective Leader

Many businesses fail because of poor administration. Effective leaders are disciplined, versatile, assertive and intelligent individuals. Randall Palazzo is a shrewd real estate investor and a business leader who knows that leaders who are positive, inspiring, and who possess the ability to develop and empower others have highly productive teams. These kinds of leaders are well respected by their followers. Firstly, you need to understand your leadership style if you want to succeed as a leader. You need to know your strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge will help you to build on your strengths and also to make necessary improvements.

Before you can lead others effectively, you must first be able to lead yourself. Effective leaders exhibit the qualities and behaviors that they encourage in their followers. They show their followers how things should be done. Hence, they are well respected by their followers. In order to become a better leader, you must work first on yourself to model those qualities you will like to see in your team members.

Great leaders have a genuine passion and eagerness for the projects they work on, and the progress of the team members as well. To become an effective leader, begin by considering distinctive ways that you can express your enthusiasm to your employees. Let your team members know that you really care about their progress. Invest in your human resources and always appreciate contributions made by team members.
Communication is essential. Great leaders always encourage one-on-one communication with their team members. Learn to show genuine concern for your team members both verbally and non-verbally. This will make it easy for the team members to approach you and to make valuable contributions. Develop your listening skills.

Effective leaders encourage their followers to express their creativity. They set clear goals and offer ample assistance to their followers to achieve the goals. The motivation behind this sort of activity is to inspire individuals to extend their limits and inspire them to be more effective.

You should not just be concerned about helping your team to achieve its objectives; you should also be keen on helping each member of the team reach their maximum potential.

Be positive always. As a leader, you ought to be the source of positive motivation to your employees. Never give up in any situation, stay focused and be determined.

Randall Palazzo is a dedicated and passionate Builder/Real Estate Investor. He was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. He graduated from West Linn high School and attended Portland State University. He obtained a real estate license in 1988 and he began buying homes in run down areas of inner Northeast Portland in late 1980’s, renovating, and selling them. He likes running, hiking, reading.

Randall Palazzo – Archimedes

Randall Palazzo is a big time history buff who also loves the study and discipline of physics. One of the biggest players in the world of ancient physics was the Greek mathematician, Archimedes of Syracuse. A man who is often considered by many to be one of the greatest mathematicians of his time, and possibly even of all time. He was involved in many various works and inventions. His ideas, theories, and mathematics would help lay the foundation for many future fields, including hydrostatics, statics, and pulley/lever systems. It would be Archimedes that would first establish a system of principles revolving around pulley’s to make moving heavy objects far easier.

Archimedes would not stop there, he would even pick apart famous philosopher and scientist Aristotle by stating that mathematics are not separate from nature, but the exact same thing. He would go on to develop the laws of buoyancy, as well as create many different mathematic formulas that are still in use today. He would also develop many inventions that are still in use today. One of his most famous ones is the screw, an essential tool for modern construction. Archimedes would also create formulas to find the volume of surfaces of revolution, as well as a brilliant system for expressing extremely large numbers that would be grueling to write down otherwise. Archimedes would pave the way for many other great scientists and mathematicians, as he helped explain away some of the most vexing concerns of his time.

Randall Palazzo enjoys looking at the history of physics.

Randall Palazzo – Modern Physics

Randall Palazzo is a professional general contractor that has been working in his field for over fifteen years now. When he is not on the job however, he enjoys studying many different areas of academia, including modern physics. Modern physics is distinctly different than classical physics, as it is characterized as studying the underlying processes and interactions of matter by using precise instruments of measurement designed by science and engineering. Modern physics basically make the assertion that classical physics and old world ideas are not sufficient enough to represent the new model of the universe and all of the new behavior.

Modern physics is different from classical physics because it often involves very extreme conditions, such as the quantum effects and how they cover distances from atom to atom. A lot of focus on modern physics revolves around relativity and effects that involve speeds close to that of light. That is why modern physics has often been considered the more complex and muddled field, as it handles some of the more complex questions.

Modern physics attempts to explain situations that occur in extreme conditions naturally in the universe. A lot of this has to do with quantum mechanical effects that deal with tiny temperature and distance changes. The only reason we are capable of even studying quantum mechanics is thanks to the many powerful tools and technological advancements of today. These high powered, precision instruments have opened scientists’ eyes to an entirely new world.

Randall Palazzo is a general contractor that has a real passion for physics.